Oil now - Ester Holdings

Oil now

On Thursday, oil quotes remain at the opening of the day, restrained after another update of the annual highs. The reason for the restraint of oil was the actions of the United States, which increased the pressure on OPEC members and directly on Saudi Arabia, which was caused by the US demand to increase oil production in OPEC, which, in turn, will restrain the rapid rise in oil prices.

With oil quotes reaching annual highs, statements by the United States have noticeably tightened, as rising oil prices may slow the growth of the global economy and the United States economy as well. At the same time, oil production in the United States remains restrained, while oil imports to the United States are growing.

Look Technical Analysis of Oil.

At the moment, Brent crude is trading around $ 86.10, a decline of about -0.10% in price.

WTI crude oil trades at $ 76.30, a decline of about -0.10% in price.

Read also: “The Theories of the Elliott Waves: Forecasts of Correction and Channel Formation”

Dani Leviant

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