The main events of this week! - Ester Holdings

The main events of this week!

Dear traders,

This week the global financial markets will be focused on the protocol of the last meeting of the Fed. Market players are hoping to get additional hints about the pace of further interest rate increases this year.

At the next shortened working week in the US, the main report for investors will be a report on the volume of sales of houses in the secondary housing market. On Monday, the US markets will be closed in honor of the Presidential Day.

In the UK, market players will be interested in the precise significance of economic growth, which will allow to assess the state of the economy of this country and the likelihood of an increase in the interest rate by the Bank of England this year.

Market players will analyze the latest research data on business activity in the euro area to understand how they will affect the pace with which the ECB will wind up the program of bond redemption.

In Japan, important data on inflation will be published. Investors want to assess the strength of the Japanese economy and get clues about when the Bank of Japan will begin to wind down its financial stimulus program.

Assumptions that the leading central banks of the world will begin to tighten monetary policy at a faster pace than predicted by experts, after the release of data on the acceleration of inflation led to government bond sales this year. At the same time, the yield of treasury bonds of the USA, Europe and Asia sharply increased.

Have a good week and high profits!

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