FOCUS OF THE DAY : inflation Report in the eurozone! - Ester Holdings

FOCUS OF THE DAY : inflation Report in the eurozone!

Dear traders,

At 12:00 pm, Kiev will publish data on the February inflation in the euro area. The report should confirm that consumer prices will grow by 1.2%, which will be 0.1% lower than in January.

Perhaps more important will be the core inflation rate, which does not include energy and food prices. According to forecasts, core inflation will remain stable at 1.0%, unchanged from the previous month.

As a result of its past meeting, the ECB in its statement rejected the long-used phrase about the possibility of expanding the financial incentive program, if necessary. This is another small step in the direction of the euro zone’s abandonment of the applied methods of financial incentives.

Maintaining the basic parameters of monetary policy unchanged, the ECB said that, if necessary, it could extend the program of redemption of bonds with the size of $ 3.16 billion and after September of this year.

The growth rate of the European economy has become the highest in the last ten years. Nevertheless, the growth of inflation remains insufficient, supporting the ECB’s intention to only gradually reduce financial incentive measures.

Wish you a successful trade and a good day!

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