Attention to the speeches of three FED leaders! - Ester Holdings

Attention to the speeches of three FED leaders!

Dear traders,

Today the attention of investors will be attracted by the speeches of the officials of the Federal Reserve. Traders are interested how fast the US monetary policy will be tightened this year.

Today, the head of the  New York FRB, William Dudley, will participate in a panel discussion on regulatory reform in the US Chamber of Commerce, in Washington at 19:30 in Kiev.

FRB President Cleveland Loretta Mestre should make a review of the economic situation in the country during her speech at Princeton University at 23:30.

Deputy Chairman of the Federal Reserve Randal Kvarls will make a presentation in Atlanta on the issues of small business and consumer protection at 02:10 am on Tuesday in Kiev .

The main economic report in this shortened work week will be the final value of US economic growth for the fourth quarter.

Last week, the Fed raised interest rates, but retained the forecast for only two more interest rate increases this year. This disappointed some investors who predicted that the US central bank will make a forecast for three more interest rate increases for 2018.

The rates for the third interest rate increase in December are about 75%. (

Be attentive, speeches of key people increased volatility in the market often!

Ladies and gentlemen, have a good evening!

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