Результаты президентства Трампа (1/2). Антон Ганзенко.

Trump presidency results. Part 2.

Continuing the topic of the Trump presidency results (the first part can be found at the link), it is worth noting that the president’s statements have ceased to be an explosion for the market, although earlier it used to cause general panic. It is also worth noting that the market is partially accustomed to this kind of statements. Along with it, Trump’s statements are more likely to have a reasonable foundation, although they are not without some kind of sharpness inherent in Mr. Donald.

Trump has become more professional as a politician, switching to more significant topics to achieve his goals. For example, as was in case with Mexico and loud statements with the wall and deportation of illegal immigrants from Mexico. These questions remained open, but the Trump administration switched to trade agreements between the United States and Mexico, that are much more significant for the United States.

The US foreign policy

One of the significant achievements of Trump in the geopolitical level was the reduction of military tension with North Korea. As a result, the probability of a military conflict between these countries with the use of nuclear weapons was lost.

Moreover, US leader D. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held a meeting, as a result of it certain sanctions were lifted from North Korea, that led to the development of relations and reduction of military risks in the region.

Also to the Trump’s foreign policy  new trade agreement between the US Canada and Mexico can be attributed, which replaced the NAFTA agreement. The new agreement was called the USMCA, and is more profitable for the United States and will facilitate production in the States. Also, this agreement takes an important role in the trade confrontation against China.

This agreement supported the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso. It is worth highlighting a pair of USD/MXN, which is returning to the usual trading range, after the risks of a slowdown in emerging markets. Similar dynamics can be traced in other currencies of emerging markets.

USD/MXN chart

The fight against terrorism

Against the background of the Syrian conflict and the Expectation of sanctions against Iran during the Trump presidency it didn’t happen none terrorist act in the United States, what in fact is a very significant indicator. It is also worth considering that after the rocket attack on the NATO forces of the Syrian base in April by the  Trump’s order, a significant increase in military tension was expected, both in the region and in the world. At the same time, the military situation in the world remains relatively calm.

Trump’s main merit lies in the fact that he grew from the president, who was threatened with impeachment at the beginning of the line,  into a president who concludes new trade agreements and continues to adhere to his policy, without changing his views and without bending under external factors.

Anton Hanzenko

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