Analysis of the past day - Ester Holdings

Analysis of the past day

On Wednesday, August 8, trading in the foreign exchange market took place in different directions, due to ambiguous sentiment and uncertainty in the stock exchanges. As a result, the dollar index closes the day at the opening day, updating yesterday’s low at 95.00.

Stock exchanges throughout the day traded in different directions, acting as the main factor of uncertainty (Nikkei 225 -0.01, DAX -0.10, FTSE 100 + 0.60, Dow 30 -0.10). The reason for the negative sentiment was the data on the worsening tension around the US and China trade negotiations.

The US dollar index trades with a strengthening, forming a flat and confining itself to the trading channel from 95.00 to 95.50.

The US dollar index. The current price is 95.20 (10-year government bonds yield is a blue line)

Hanzenko Anton

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