State of the Market: demonstrate growth (Anton Hanzenko) - Ester Holdings

State of the Market: demonstrate growth (Anton Hanzenko)

At Monday’s trades, the indices of the Asia-Pacific region show noticeable strengthening amid news that the trade war between the US and China has been suspended. So, earlier, the US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin officially stated that the US-China trade war was “suspended”, thereby triggering renewed interest in more risky assets and the US dollar.

The US dollar index resumed the ascending dynamo on breaking through the significant resistance of 93.80 against the basket of the main competitors. At the same time, the ascending dynamics of the American is limited by overbought and significant resistance 94.00. The support levels are 93.60 and 96.40.

Also, read: “The Trade War and its Prospects” and “The US Trade War 2.0. New facts”.

Hanzenko Anton

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