The Federal Open Market Committee Meeting Minutes! Today! - Ester Holdings

The Federal Open Market Committee Meeting Minutes! Today!

Dear traders,

Today, at 22:00 Kiev time, the Fed will publish the minutes of the last meeting of the Open Markets Committee.

At the meeting that ended June 14, the Fed raised the interest rate for the second time this year expectedly and made a statement in favor of a tighter monetary policy, indicating two more interest rate increases tillthe end of the year.

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell predicted a gradual increase of the interest rate again recently, indicating that the cost of borrowed funds will continue to grow this year despite the volatility on the markets caused by the conflict in international trade.

Futures on the federal funds rate gives a probability of about 75% for an increase of the interest rate in September, according to a forecast from The probability of a fourth interest rate increase in December is approximately 45%. (

Today we are waiting for an active day,
Stay informed! Have a good profits, Ladies and Gentlemen! 

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