A few reasons to make money this week! - Ester Holdings

A few reasons to make money this week!

Dear traders,

This week attention of the world financial markets will be riveted to the meeting of the European Central Bank. Market players are interested in new information about when the ECB is going to complete its large-scale financial incentive program.

In addition, traders will pay close attention to the decision on the monetary policy of the central bank of Japan after the Central Bank slightly reduced the volume of redemption of bonds this month, fueling talk about a possible further reduction of the quantitative easing program.

The growing prospects that the leading central banks of the world will begin to tighten monetary policy led to government bond sales this month. At the same time, the yield of treasury bonds of the USA, Europe and Asia sharply increased.

Investors will also be interested in the preliminary value of the US GDP for the fourth quarter, which will be published on Friday. This value will allow us to assess whether the world’s largest economy is strong enough to withstand several interest rate increases in 2018.

In the UK, market players will be interested in the preliminary estimate of the country’s GDP for the fourth quarter. This indicator will allow to assess the state of the economy of this country and the likelihood of an increase in the interest rate by the Bank of England this year.

Also, attention will be attracted by inflation data in Canada after last week the Bank of Canada raised the interest rate for the third time in the last seven months.

Also the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland will be in focus, which will be held from Tuesday to Friday. It is expected that the US President Donald Trump, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Therese May will take part in this forum.

Next week important negotiations for world trade will also take place. On Thursday in Montreal, a meeting of representatives of the United States, Canada and Mexico will begin to discuss the positions with a view to renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

More details can be found during the week in the articles on our website.

Keep an eye on the Analytical Unit and have a successful trading week, Gentlemen!

We remind you that you can always get acquainted with upcoming news in the Economic Calendar, as well as in the daily market review on our official YouTube channel.

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