Dear traders,

The global financial markets will be focused on the final value of economic growth in the US in the third quarter. Investors begin to reduce trading volumes before the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Traders will also be interested in the decision on Japan’s monetary policy amid rumors that the Bank of Japan is not going to follow the example of other central banks of the world and will not abandon a large-scale financial incentive program.

In the UK, market players will focus on the updated economic growth report to get new signals about Brexit’s impact on the economy.

In addition, the attention of traders will be attracted by the IFO Institute’s report on business confidence in Germany, on which one can judge the mood in the largest economy of the eurozone.

Market players will also be interested in the value of Canada’s GDP, which will allow to assess the state of the economy of this country.

So, let’s sum up:

  1. The final value of the US GDP for the third quarter. The report will be released at 15:30 on Thursday (Kiev).
  2. The decision on the monetary policy of the Bank of Japan on Thursday!
  3. The final value of the UK GDP in the third quarter of 2017 at 11:30 on Friday.
  4. IFO Institute Report on Business Confidence in Germany at 11:00 on Tuesday (Kiev)
  5. GDP of Canada at 15:30 on Friday (Kiev).

We will write more about these and other events throughout the week.

Follow the expert’s opinions on our website!

Have a profitable week, Gentlemen!

We remind you that you can always get acquainted with upcoming news in the Economic Calendar, as well as in the daily market review on our official YouTube channel.

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