Oil continues to grow. Data on oil reserves in the USA - Ester Holdings

Oil continues to grow. Data on oil reserves in the USA

Oil prices continue to rise against the background of a decline in oil and oil products in the US.

  • According to published data, oil reserves for the past week decreased by -1.076 million barrels, against the previous growth of 3.306 million barrels.
  • Distillate stocks fell by -3.107 million barrels, exceeding the decline in the previous period at 1,044 million barrels.
  • Gasoline stocks decreased by -2.968 million barrels, against the growth in the previous period at 0.458 million barrels.

At the moment, WTI crude oil is traded at $ 68.30, adding about + 2.68% to the price.

Brent crude oil is traded at around $ 73.22, adding about + 2.29% to the price.

Alexander Sivtsov

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