A speech by Fed Chairman Powell will take place this week! - Ester Holdings

A speech by Fed Chairman Powell will take place this week!

Dear traders,

A number of Fed speeches will get market attention this week, as traders watch for further clues on interest rates.

Topping the agenda will be remarks from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, who will be speaking about economic issues at an event hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas on Wednesday.

Powell is then due to speak again on Thursday about Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts at an event hosted by the Dallas Fed in Houston.

Investors will also tune in to Fed Governor Randal Quarles’s semi-annual testimony to Congress on banking supervision.

Speeches from San Francisco Fed President Mary Daly, Minneapolis Fed boss Neel Kashkari, Chicago Fed President Charles Evans, Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic and Fed Governor Lael Brainard will also be in focus.

The Fed left interest rates on hold last week, but delivered an upbeat assessment of the economy and labor market, reaffirming expectations for a December rate hike.(Investing.com)

Be careful, the key people’s speeches lead to unpredictable rises in volatility!

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