Dear traders,

Just in 7 hours Wednesday will be started with a calendar full of events and will give the opportunity to make money. A quick reminder of the most important news:

  • At 00:45 (Kiev) – Change in employment rates in New Zealand;
  • At 03:30 (Kiev) – The Consumer Price Index (CPI) of Australia;
  • At 11:00 (Kiev) – The index of the business climate of IFO of Germany;
  • At 11:30 (Kyiv) – Preliminary data on UK GDP;

Report of the National Statistical Office of Great Britain (ONS) with preliminary data on economic growth in the country for the third quarter. It is predicted that the UK’s economic growth for the third quarter will be 0.3% after a similar increase in the second quarter this year. On annualized basis, the growth rate of the British economy in
third quarter is expected at 1.4%, which is slightly lower than the 1.5% for the second quarter of 2017.

Recent reports have drawn a mixed picture of the state of affairs in the British economy before the Bank of England prepared for the first increase interest rate over the past 10 years. In September, the head of the Bank of England announced the possibility of raising the interest rate in the coming months, if economic growth and high inflation rates continue.

Investors will also monitor the development of the political situation in UK regarding any news on the negotiations about Brexit.

  • At 15:30 – Issue of the basic orders for durable goods by states;
  • At 17:00 – Sales of new housing by state;
  • Also at 17:00 – Publication of the Bank of Canada’s Monetary Report policy;
  • At 17:00 – The decision on the interest rate of the Bank of Canada;

Most experts suggest that the central bank of Canada will leave interest rate on the value of 1.0%. The Central Bank of Canada surprised many market players by raising the interest rate for the second time this year in the result of its last meeting in September.

On Friday, a report was published that the growth of retail sales in Canada unexpectedly declined, indicating a slowdown in the growth after the good performance of the first half of this year. As a result, in this report, market players increased the likelihood of rates at the same level from 73% to 81%.

Many experts predict that the central bank will once again raise the interest rate in December. The probability of this event is estimated by the markets at level of 50%.

  • At 17:30 – Publication of stocks of crude oil in the US;
  • At 18:15 – Speech by the head of the Bank of Canada Poloz.

As you can see, the calendar is full!
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Successful trading, Gentlemen!

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