The main events of Tuesday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Tuesday!

On Tuesday, April 3, the day is full of data on business activity in the euro area. Also, on this day, the RBA protocol will be published.

At 01:00 – the index of confidence in business circles of New Zealand from NZIER, the previous value is -12%.

At 02:30 – the index of manufacturing activity in Australia from AIG, the previous value is 57.5.

At 07:30 – the decision of the Reserve Bank of Australia on the interest rate, the forecast is 1.50%, the previous value is 1.50%.

At 09:00 – the volume of retail sales in Germany (m/m), the forecast is 0.6%, the previous value is -0.7%.

At 10:15 – will publish the volume of retail sales in Switzerland (y / y), the forecast is -0.7%, the previous value is -1.4%.

At 10:30 – the index of business activity PMI of Switzerland from SVME, the forecast is 64.3, the previous value is 65.5.

At 10:55 – the index of business activity in the manufacturing sector (PMI) of Germany, the forecast is 58.4, the previous value is 58.4.

At 11:00 – the index of business activity in the manufacturing sector (PMI) of the eurozone, the forecast is 56.6, the previous value is 56.6.

At 11:30 – the index of business activity in the manufacturing sector (PMI) of Great Britain, the forecast is 54.7, the previous value is 55.2.

At 23:30 – weekly stocks of crude oil in the US according to the American Petroleum Institute (API), the previous value is 5.321 M.

Hanzenko Anton

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