Main Events of the Friday - Ester Holdings

Main Events of the Friday

Friday, March 16, is full of statistics for the US and Canada, but the main focus of the market will be focused on the report on inflation in the euro area. Also, the market continues to monitor the dynamics of the US currency and assess the possibility of its correction.

At 00:45 – speech of the Deputy Head of the Reserve Bank of Australia Debell.

At 06:30 – volume of industrial production in Japan (m / m), the forecast of -6,6%, the previous value of -6,6%.

At 12:00 – data on inflation in the eurozone:
– Basic consumer price index (CPI) in the eurozone (y / y), forecast 1.0%, previous value 1.0%.
– Consumer price index (CPI) in the eurozone (m / m), the forecast is 0.2%, the previous value is -0.9%.
– Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the eurozone (y / y), forecast 1.2%, the previous value of 1.2%.
– The level of wages in the eurozone (y / y), forecast 1.80%, the previous value of 1.60%.

At 14:30 – block of statistics for the US:
– Number of issued construction permits in the US, the forecast is 1.320M, the previous value is 1.377M.
– Number of building permits issued in the US (m / m), the previous value of 5.9%.
– Volume of construction of new homes in the US, the forecast is 1.290M, the previous value is 1.326M.
– Volume of construction of new homes in the US (m / m), forecast 6.0%, the previous value of 9.7%.

Also at 14:30 – there will be data on Canada:
– Volume of foreign investment in Canadian securities, the previous value is -1.97V.
– Sales in the Canada manufacturing sector (m / m), forecast -0.8%, the previous value of -0.3%.

At 15:15 – Volume of industrial production in the US (m / m), forecast 0.3%, the previous value of -0.1%.

At 16:00 – Number of open vacancies in the labor market (JOLTS) in the US, forecast 5.890M, the previous value of 5.811M.

At 19:00 – Number of drilling rigs in the US from Baker Hughes, the previous value of 796.

Hanzenko Anton

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