The main events of Tuesday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Tuesday!

On Tuesday, October 9,  small amount of news will be published that will have a restrained influence on the market.

At 02:01 – BRC retail sales (y / y) (September) in the UK, previous value  0.2%.

At 02:50 –  data on the trade balance of Japan:
– Adjusted current account, forecast 1.52T,  previous value  1.48T.
– Current account (non seasonally adjusted) (August),  forecast  1,897T,  previous value  2.010T.

At 03:30 – NAB (September) business confidence index in Australia, forecast 5,  previous value 4.

At 09:00 – German trade balance (August) , forecast 16.4B, previous value 15.8B.

At 15:15 – housing starts (September) in Canada,  forecast 205.0K,  previous value 201.0K.

Hanzenko Anton

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