The main events of Monday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Monday!

On Monday, April 30, the day is saturated with statistics on China and the United States. At the same time, activity on the market will be low due to the beginning of the week and a half-day day on Tuesday.

At 04:00 – there will be data on business activity in China:
– Index of business activity in the manufacturing sector (PMI) of China, forecast 51.3, the previous value of 51.5.
– The index of business activity in the non-manufacturing sector of China, the previous value of 54.6.

Also at 04:00 – will issue an index of confidence in business circles of New Zealand from ANZ, the previous value of -20.0.

At 04:30 – will publish private sector lending in Australia (m/m), the previous value of 0.4%.

At 09:00 – will be the volume of retail sales in Germany (m/m), forecast 0.9%, the previous value of -0.7%.

At 10:00 am – announced the index of the leading economic indicators of Switzerland from KOF, forecast 107.3, the previous value of 106.0.

At 15:00 – the consumer price index (CPI) in Germany (m/m), a forecast of 0.5%, the previous value of 0.4%.

At 15:30 – there will be data on the US:
– The basic price index of spending on personal consumption in the US (m/m), forecast 0.2%, the previous value of 0.2%.
– The basic price index of spending on personal consumption in the US (y/y), forecast 1.8%, the previous value of 1.6%.
– Expenses of individuals in the USA (m/m), forecast 0.4%, previous value 0.2%.

Also at 15:30 – publish the price index for raw materials (RMPI) in Canada (m/m), the previous value of -0.3%.

At 16:45 – the index of business activity (PMI) in Chicago (USA) will come out, the forecast is 57.9, the previous value is 57.4.

At 17:00 – announced the index of unfinished sales in the US real estate market (m/m), forecast 0.6%, the previous value of 3.1%.

Hanzenko Anton

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