Focus of the trading news on Erste News - Ester Holdings

Focus of the trading news on Erste News

During the week from June 17 to 21, a significant amount of news is expected, which can be used to earn with the Erste News service.

On Wednesday, June 19, the following data is expected:

At 11:30 – an inflation data in the UK. Data is expected to slow down the UK Consumer Price Index (CPI). Against the background of the general weakness of the British and negative expectations may increase sales of the British.

At 15:30 – an inflation data in Canada will be published. In the face of continued slowdown in consumer inflation, the Canadian dollar will be under the pressure.

At 21:00 – the Fed monetary policy meeting minutes in the United States will be published. These statistics will have a significant impact on the market and the US currency. Due to the publication of the accompanying speech, an increase in volatility is expected.

On Thursday, June 20, the day will also be filled with news:

At 01:45 – New Zealand’s GDP will be released. It is expected to maintain a restrained downward trend. In case of confirmation of the GDP forecast, the sale of the New Zealand dollar is not excluded.

At 11:30 – retail sales in the UK will be released.

At 14:00 – an interest rates decision of the Bank of England. Published UK data will have a significant impact on the British pound. Due to very dense publications, volatility in the market can be restrained and shift to data on interest rates. At the same time, the publication of the results of the meeting on interest rates is expected to publish a large number of significant statistics, which may cause multidirectional dynamics of the pound.

On Friday, June 21, at 15:30 – retail sales in Canada will be  published. After a significant increase in this indicator a month earlier, it is expected to slow down. The overall dynamics of retail sales in Canada remains positive.

Hanzenko Anton

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