Trump accuses Amazon of fraud - Ester Holdings

Trump accuses Amazon of fraud

The US President D. Trump in his Twitter account accused the largest retailer Amazon of fraud and said that the company does not pay taxes using the US Postal Service. Also, Trump noted the lying policy of The Washington Post, which is engaged in lobbying.

Previously Trump accused The Washington Post of slander and publication in this newspaper of not truthful information about him. It is also worth noting that the founder of Amazon bought the newspaper The Washington Post in August 2013.

As a result, the political outbursts of Trump aside Amazon and The Washington Post can be regarded as attempts to protect the political figure of Trump. At the same time, accusations of tax evasion can be very serious for Amazon and entail checks that, even if they do not find anything, can put pressure on Amazon shares.

Technically, Amazon shares remain in the correction phase, after the historical maximum has been updated and the stock indices have been reduced in general on the risks of a trade war. This scandal as a result may increase pressure on the shares of Amazon.

Amazon shares. Before the opening of the trades – 1370.00.

Hanzenko Anton

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