Trading on optional levels. Anton Hanzenko. - Ester Holdings

Trading on optional levels. Anton Hanzenko.


The nearest resistance levels (open interest):

  • 1,2155 (4106)
  • 1,2206 (4,021)
  • 1,2254 (1701)
  • 1,2303 (2,282)

The nearest support levels (open interest):

  • 1,1902 (2961)
  • 1,1952 (1942)
  • 1,2003 (4526)
  • 1,2053 (2,279)

The nearest resistance levels with a Forward points ratio: 1,2078; 1,2129; 1,2177; 1.2277.

The nearest support levels with a Forward points ratio: 1,185; 1.1766; 1,1926; 1.1877.

The nearest significant resistance was located at the levels: 1,2155 and 1,2206. The breakthrough of these levels opens the way to resistance levels: 1,2254 and 1,2303.

The nearest strong support is located at the levels: 1,2053 and 1,2003. The breakthrough of these levels opens the way to the levels of significant support: 1,1952 and 1,1902.

EUR USD The general distribution of interests (1) and volumes (2)


The nearest resistance levels (open interest):

  • 1,3805 (721)
  • 1.3855 (311)
  • 1,3904 (299)
  • 1.3954 (428)

The nearest support levels (open interest):

  • 1.3548 (372)
  • 1.3597 (480)
  • 1.3647 (962)
  • 1.3696 (1222)

The nearest resistance levels with a Forward points ratio: 1.3755; 1,3805; 1.3854; 1.3904.

The nearest support levels with a Forward points ratio: 1.3498; 1.3547; 1.3597; 1.3646.

The nearest resistance is located at the levels: 1.3805 and 1.3855. The breakthrough of these levels opens the way to resistance levels: 1.3904 and 1.3954.

The nearest support is located at the levels: 1.3696 and 1.3647. The breakthrough of these levels opens the way to the marks: 1.3597, and 1.3548.

GBP USD The general distribution of interests (1) and volumes (2)

(* the data in the article are presented according to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME))

Hanzenko Anton

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