Trading on optional levels. Anton Hanzenko. - Ester Holdings

Trading on optional levels. Anton Hanzenko.


Nearest resistance levels (open interest):

  • 1,2354 (3,496)
  • 1,2405 (3,715)
  • 1,2454 (2718)
  • 1,2503 (3665)

Nearest support levels (open interest):

  • 1,2151 (4496)
  • 1,2202 (3279)
  • 1.2252 (2939)
  • 1,2303 (3,449)

Nearest resistance levels with a Forward points ratio: 1,2348; 1.2399; 1.2449; 1.248.

Nearest support levels with a Forward points ratio: 1,2146; 1.2196; 1.2247; 1.2277.

The nearest strong resistance is located at the levels: 1,2354 and 1,2405. The breakthrough of these levels opens the way to resistance levels: 1.2454 and 1.2503.

The nearest strong support is located at the levels: 1,2303 and 1,2252. The breakthrough of this level opens the way to the levels of significant support: 1,2202 and 1,2151.

EUR USD The general distribution of interests (1) and volumes (2)


Nearest resistance levels (open interest):

  • 1,3905 (1,718)
  • 1.3954 (3047)
  • 1,4004 (2618)
  • 1.4053 (2657)

Nearest support levels (open interest):

  • 1,3698 (1818)
  • 1.3747 (1955)
  • 1.3797 (3487)
  • 1.3846 (1208)

Nearest resistance levels with a Forward points ratio: 1,3902; 1.3951; 1.4000; 1.4050.

Nearest support levels with a Forward points ratio: 1.3594; 1.3743; 1.3793; 1.3842.

The closest resistance is at the levels: 1.3905 and 1.3954, breakthroughof which opens the way to resistance levels: 1.4004 and 1.4053.

Nearest support is located at the levels: 1.3846 and 1.3797. The breakthrough of these levels opens the way to the marks: 1.3747, and 1.3698.

GBP USD The general distribution of interests (1) and volumes (2)

(* the data in the article are indicated according to information from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME))

Hanzenko Anton

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