U.S. trade opposition. What are the risks
Since the beginning of the presidency of the US President D Trump, such a phrase as “trade war” began to sound on financial markets more and more often. In the first couple of exacerbations of trade conflicts, this situation was called “trade opposition” or “trade conflict”. The goal of the confrontation is to get more lucrative trade contracts for the US and reduce the US budget deficit. At the same time, Trump was aiming to return production power to the States. On theses on debt reduction and return production in the United States D. Trump and built his election campaign.
The trade interests of the Trump administration and the USA
As the Trump administration’s trade interests advanced, the United States revised a number of trade agreements. So it was with the revision of the NAFTA agreement between the USA, Canada and Mexico and a number of other major US trading partners, including the EU in general and a number of large European countries in particular.
Gradually, the US trade negotiations escalated into a tough trade confrontation, as happened with China and with Mexico, where the United States sets strict requirements. This actually turned the “trade confrontation” into a “trade war” of the United States.
If we talk about the US-Chinese trade war, then it has long been stalled, even before the US sanctions on Huawei. In this case, the two largest economies in the world can not exist separately from each other. And the seriousness of conflicts and contradictions reached the point that the economies of the United States and China began to slow down their growth rates. And even more so – to have a slowdown on the world economy, actually causing harm to both the enemy and himself. So, the statement of the trade war between the USA and China is fully confirmed.
US trade war “against all”
Separately it is necessary to highlight such a thing as “the US trade war against all.” After the United States failed to gain a clear advantage in the fight against China. The Trump administration continues to attack the EU and Mexico. So, from time to time, the issue of tariffs for cars is raised, putting pressure on the eurozone. Statements about new duties on Mexican goods exacerbate tensions at the border of the United States and Mexico.
Despite all the loud statements from Trump about intentions to reduce the trade deficit and the return of production to the United States, the White House uses a trade war to maintain world leadership for the United States. What is used methods that are actually aimed at slowing down the other economies of the world. In the future, this may be fraught with all the reasons for the recession of the world economy.
Anton Hanzenko