Trump-Juncker negotiations - Ester Holdings

Trump-Juncker negotiations

Dear traders,

Tomorrow, on 25 July, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, is expected to meet with US President Donald Trump in Washington to discuss the growing trade tensions  between the EU and the United States.

This meeting will occur after the US imposed duties on imported steel from the United States and aluminum, and against the backdrop of Trump’s threats to expand these duties on European cars.

The White House’s chief economic adviser, Larry Kadlow, said last week that he expects Juncker to make important proposals for international trade.

However, representatives of the European Union tried to reduce the forecasts of what Junker could achieve. In addition, according to them, Junker is unlikely to bring a new plan to the US to restore good trade relations.

Earlier, for the conclusion of a mutually beneficial trade agreement, the EU offered to open its markets more widely for US imports, including cars, but Washington rejected this proposal. (

Have a good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen!

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