Expectations for the upcoming week - Ester Holdings

Expectations for the upcoming week

The last full week of April promises to be full with data from both statistical and world CB meetings with subsequent press conferences, which will ultimately influence the market.

So, the beginning of the week is relatively calm, in terms of scheduled news. It is worth highlighting the statistics for Germany and the United States. Also at the beginning of the week will be the speech of the head of the Bank of Canada. The market will be focused on the dynamics of the US currency, after the upward rally at the end of last week.

On Thursday, the results of the ECB meeting will be published and will be a press conference that will have an impact on the market amid a decrease in optimism for the euro. On Friday, it is worth highlighting preliminary data on the UK GDP and the speech of the head of the UK bank Carney. Also, the Bank of Japan’s protocol is expected to be published beforehand.

In addition to the planned news, the market continues to monitor the geopolitical situation in the world, and specifically in the Middle East, which can also set the tone on the market.

Hanzenko Anton

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