US employment report. Today! - Ester Holdings

US employment report. Today!

Dear traders,

The US Department of Labor will publish an employment report outside the agricultural sector for July at 15:30 Kiev time. The main attention in this report will be payed not even to the indicators of employment, but to the growth of earnings.

According to the consensus forecast, workplaces are expected to increase by 190 thousand after an increase of 213 thousand in June. It is also projected that after the June value of 4.0%, the unemployment rate in the US in July will drop to 3.9%.

However, investors will be focused on the average hourly earnings in the US. Judging by the forecasts, it will increase by 0.3% after growth of 0.2% a month earlier. On an annualized basis, wage growth, according to forecasts, will be 2.8%, unchanged from June. (

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