Oil (current news) - Ester Holdings

Oil (current news)

Oil prices fell just below the zero mark at the beginning of the European session, after the rise yesterday. The main support for oil quotations is exacerbated by the geopolitical situation in the Middle East. On April 30, military installations in Syria were subjected to rocket attacks. As a result of the shelling, strikes were struck on Iranian armed formations. Also, support is provided by a statement from Israel that Iran has a secret nuclear weapons development program. This statement coincides with the facts in the US. On the background after May 12, the States are likely to withdraw from the nuclear deal and will resume sanctions against Iran.

At the moment, Brent crude is trading at around $ 74.57, losing about -0.19% in price.

WTI oil is trading at $ 68.52, losing about -0.06% in price.

Also, see Technical Analysis of Oil

Alexander Sivtsov

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