The volume of UK retail sales! Do not miss! - Ester Holdings

The volume of UK retail sales! Do not miss!

Dear traders,

In an hour, at 11:30 (Kiev), the volume of UK retail sales will be released.

The leading analyst of Ester Company A. Sivtsov writes:

“Retail sales are an important indicator of consumer spending. Also, it characterizes consumer confidence and is seen as an indicator of the pace of the UK economic growth.

  • “According to the forecast, retail sales decreased by -0.1% in September, against the growth of 1.0% in the previous month, at an annual rate of 2.1%, which is lower than the previous value of 2.4%.
  • The base retail sales index will grow by 0.1% in September, against the value of August at the level of 1.0%, in annual terms the indicator will be 2.4%, which is lower than the previous value at 2.8%.

The release of data within the forecast will put pressure on the pound, against which one should expect the decline of the British currency within 50-60 points against the competitors. Also, the decline in these indicators will signal that the growth in inflation rates has a negative impact on the development of the UK economy.”

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