A few reasons to make money on the POUND! - Ester Holdings

A few reasons to make money on the POUND!

Dear traders,

Already in an hour, at 11:30 (Kiev), the report of the Office for National Statistics of Great Britain (ONS) on the volume of production in the manufacturing industry for November will be published. It is expected that this figure will grow by 0.3% after growing by 0.1% last month. It is assumed that the volume of industrial production in Great Britain will increase by 0.4% after zero growth in October.

A. Sivtsov, leading analyst of Ester, writes:

“According to the forecast, production in the manufacturing industry grew by 0.3% in November, against the October growth of 0.1%. The release of data within the forecast will provide some support to the British currency, against which one should expect the pound to rise against the US dollar within 30 points.”

At its December meeting, the Bank of England announced that Brexit remains the most important factor that influences the development of the British economy, and at the same time is a source of uncertainty for it.

Leading analyst of Ester Andrew Green also shares its direct recommendations for pound trading, given the news background and technical analysis. Read in the Expert’s Opinions: “Great Britain – an eternal dilemma: smart or beautiful)

Have good profits, Gentlemen!

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