Multifactor analysis: INTRODUCTION. Andrew Green.
Hello, my dear friends, beginners and experienced traders and investors of the international financial market. With this publication “Multi-factor Analysis: INTRODUCTION“, I am starting a series of articles on a very interesting topic, which is the result of many years of work and research in various areas of the international market, and not just ForEx.
I will tell you about the so-called multi-factor, or as it is called – comprehensive, analysis of the financial market. Of course, the final goal of which is the international currency market ForEx, and its main currency instruments of exchange trade.
Before we start, in this article I want to tell a little about the prerequisites for research and study of this type of analysis.
From the very beginning of my practical acquaintance with the market, and after its deeper study, I always wanted to get a universal tool – a magic wand of technical or fundamental analysis that would give the opportunity to earn a lot of money and fulfill all my dreams. And there were so many attempts to master those “sticks”, which at that time were offered in the market. As you understood – I broke a lot of dishes until I came to a logical conclusion – such a “magic” wand DOES NOT EXIST. But, it may seem weird, this conclusion did not leave me in the depths of despair, but on the contrary gave me new strength in order to stop believing in miracles, and start transforming the time spent and the experience (how not to do) into my own system of vision and understanding processes , which occur in the financial market.
Therefore, for those who are looking for in this article, and throughout the subsequent cycle such a Magic Wand, I advise you not to waste your time. All articles of the cycle will be a valuable material and tool only for those who have set a goal and a plan: to make trading on the stock exchange their basic earnings and source of income. This information is for those who want to understand how all this works.
Multi-factor analysis is a puzzle-constructor, which, decomposing into different parts/processes that occur on the market, collects them into a single whole, into the picture of the INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKET.
So, what will the Multi-factor Analysis give us:
- We will analyze and study some features of all sectors of the international market, consider their interrelations and correlations. From each sector, we will choose the most significant tools and build a causal interrelation, based on the events of recent decades.
- Studying the stock market, we will learn a superficial, but subtle analysis of the external signs of corporate and state interaction.
- We will analyze the age-old dynamics and the relationship between the commodity market and government debt obligations.
- Also, special attention will be paid to the “hidden” participants of the financial market, whose intervention is not always obvious, but always effective. Believe me, I’m not here to operate with any “insider” information, I’ll just show and tell you everything that I collected and studied through a painstaking and consistent analysis of events and public information.
You will find many practical recommendations and specific examples!
I will not promise you an instant profit increase, or ultra-high results from the use of multi-factor analysis in practice, but that you can stabilize your results and understand much more what is happening in the market – I GUARANTEE you.
Wait in the near future for the first article from the cycle “Multi-factor Analysis”: Intermarket Communications. The market of government debt: basic concepts and tools. “
For those who are just starting their path in the field of exchange trading, for a better perception of the material I recommend that you choose one of the individual training courses. More details can be found on the Ester website.
Learn from others, so you can prevent making mistakes by yourself!
Andrew Green