The main events of Friday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Friday!

On Friday, March 23, the market will focus on data on the US and Canada.

At the same time, the market will continue to assess the meetings of the Fed and the Bank of England, which will set the market sentiment.

At 01:30 – a nationwide basic consumer price index (CPI) in Japan (y/y), the forecast is 1.0%, the previous value is 0.9%.

At 14:30 – a speech of a member of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Bank of England Vlige.

At 14:30 – data on the US:
– Basic orders for durable goods in the US (m/m), the forecast is 0.5%, the previous value is -0.3%.
– The volume of orders for durable goods in the US (m/m), the forecast is 1.5%, the previous value is -3.6%.

Also at 14:30 – data on inflation in Canada:
– Basic consumer price index (CPI) in Canada (y/y), the forecast is 1.4%, the previous value is 1.2%.
– The basic consumer price index (CPI) in Canada (m/m), the previous value is 0.5%.
– The basic index of retail sales in Canada (m/m), the forecast is 0.9%, the previous value is -1.8%.
– Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Canada (m/m), the forecast is 0.5%, the previous value is 0.7%.
– The volume of retail sales in Canada (m/m), the forecast is 1.1%, the previous value is -0.8%.

At 16:00 – there will be data on the sales of new housing in the US:
– Sales of new housing in the US (m/m), the forecast is 4.4%, the previous value is -7.8%.
– Sales of new housing in the US, the forecast is 623K, the previous value is 593K.

At 19:00 – a number of drilling rigs in the US from Baker Hughes, the previous value is 800.

Hanzenko Anton

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