The main events of Wednesday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Wednesday!

On Wednesday, May 16, the day is also full of statistical data, among which are the data on inflation in the euro area, the speech of the head of the ECB and statistics on construction in the US.

At 02:50 – data on Japan’s GDP:
– Japan’s GDP (q/q), the forecast is 0.0%, the previous value is 0.4%.
– Japan’s GDP (y/y), the forecast is -0.2%, the previous value is 1.6%.

At 03:30 – the index of consumer sentiment in Australia from Westpac, the previous value is -0,6%.

At 04:30 – the index of changes in wages in Australia (q/q), the forecast is 0.6%, the previous value is 0.6%.

At 07:30 – the volume of industrial production in Japan (m/m), the forecast is 1.2%, the previous value is 1.2%.

At 09:00 – the consumer price index (CPI) in Germany (m/m), the forecast is 0.0%, the previous value is 0.0%.

At 11:00 –  the monthly report of the International Energy Agency for the oil market.

At 12:00 – data on inflation in the euro area:
– Basic consumer price index (CPI) in the euro area (y/y), the forecast is 0.7%, the previous value is 0.7%.
– Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the euro area (y/y), the forecast is 1.2%, the previous value is 1.2%.
– Consumer price index (CPI) in the euro area (m/m), the forecast is 0.3%, the previous value is 1.0%.

At 15:00 – the speech of the head of the ECB Draghi.

At 15:30 – data on construction in the US:
– The number of building permits issued in the US (m/m), the previous value is 4.4%.
– The number of issued construction permits in the US, the forecast is 1,350M, the previous value is 1.379M.
– The volume of construction of new homes in the US, the forecast is 1.310M, the previous value is 1.319M.
– The volume of construction of new homes in the US (m/m), the forecast is -1.1%, the previous value is 1.9%.

Also, at 15:30 – sales in the manufacturing sector of Canada (m/m), the forecast is 1.2%, the previous value is 1.9%.

At 16:15 – data on industrial production in the US:
– The volume of industrial production in the US, (y/y), the previous value is 4.3%.
– The volume of industrial production in the US (m/m), the forecast is 0.5%, the previous value is 0.5%.

At 17:30 – oil reserves in the US:
– Crude oil reserves in the US, the forecast is -1.467M, the previous value is -2.197M.
– Data on excess oil reserves in Cushing (Oklahoma, USA), the previous value is 1.388M.

Hanzenko Anton

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