The main events of Wednesday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Wednesday!

On Wednesday, October 10, the day is full of statistics, among which the UK GDP data and the US data deserve special attention.

At 00:45 –  electronic card retail sales (m / m) (September) in New Zealand,  previous value  1.0%.

At 02:30 – Westpac consumer sentiment index  (October) in Australia ,  previous value  -3.0%.

At 11:30 – data for the UK :
– GDP (m / m),  forecast  0.1%, previous value  0.3%.
– Industrial production (m / m) (August),  forecast 0.1%, previous value  0.1%.
– Manufacturing production (m / m) (Aug),  forecast 0.1%, previous value -0.2%.
– Trade balance (August), forecast -10.90B, previous value -9.97B.
– Trade balance without EU countries (August), forecast -3.10B,  previous value  2.80B.

At 15:30 – the US data :
– Core producer price index (PPI) (m / m) (September), forecast 0.2%,  previous value  -0.1%.
– Producer Price Index (PPI) (m / m) (September), forecast 0.2%, previous value -0.1%.

Also at 15:30 – construction permits (m / m) (aug.) in Canada,  forecast 0.5%, previous value  -0.1%.

At 16:00 – Monthly GDP Tracker by NIESR in the UK , previous value  0.6%.

At 23:30 – API weekly crude oil stocks in the United States,  previous value  0.907M.

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