The main events of Friday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Friday!

On Friday, October 12, the economic calendar will have a moderate impact on the market.

At 00:30 – PMI  in the manufacturing sector  (September) in New Zealand, previous value  52.0.

At 02:01 – RICS house price balance in the UK(September),  forecast 2%, previous value 2%.

At 03:30 – Australian data will be released:
– Housing loans (m / m) (Aug), the forecast is -0.9%,  previous value  0.4%.
– Report on the financial stability of the RBA.

At 07:30 –  business activity index in the services sector (m / m) in Japan, previous value  0.1%.

At 09:00 – German consumer price index (CPI) (m / m) (September), forecast  0.4%, previous value 0.4%.

At 12:00 –  volume of industrial production (m / m) (August) in the eurozone,  forecastn0.4%,  previous value -0.8%.

At 15:30 – data on prices in the United States:
– Export price index (MoM) (Sep), forecast 0.2%, previous value -0.1%.
– Import price index (m / m) (Sep), forecast 0.2%, previous value -0.6%.

At 20:00 –  number of oil rigs from Baker Hughes,  previous value 861.

Hanzenko Anton

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