The main events of Thursday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Thursday!

On Thursday, October 11, the day will be saturated with data, among which the ECB protocol and the US inflation data deserve special attention.

At 01:30 – the speech of the Deputy Governor of the RBA Ellis will be held.

At 02:01 – RICS house prices balance (September) in the UK,  forecast 2%,  previous value 2%.

At 02:50 – current account balance (excluding seasonal fluctuations) (August) in Japan, forecast  1.852T, previous value 2.010T.

At 14:20 – OPEC will publish a monthly report.

At 14:30 – the ECB meeting  minutes on monetary policy will be published.

At 15:30 – US consumer price data:
– Core Consumer Price Index (CPI) (m / m) (September), forecast 0.2%, previous value 0.1%.
– Core Consumer Price Index (CPI) (y/y) (September), forecast 2.3%, previous 2.2%.
– Consumer price index (CPI) (m / m) (September), forecast 0.2%, previous 0.2%.
– Initial jobless claims,  forecast 206K,  previous value 207K.

Also at 15:30 –  new housing price index (m / m) (aug.) in Canada,  forecast  0.1%,  previous value 0.1%.

At 18:00 –  data on US oil inventories:
– Crude oil inventories, forecast 2,647M,  previous value  7.975M.
– Cushing (Oklahoma) crude oil inventories,  previous value 1,699M.

At 19:00 –  WASDE report in the USA will be published.

At 21:00 – the US federal budget balance, previous value -214.0B.

Hanzenko Anton

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