The pound received support. Data on the social sector of Great Britain - Ester Holdings

The pound received support. Data on the social sector of Great Britain

The British pound rose sharply against the US dollar against the backdrop of positive statistics on the UK social sector.

  • According to published data, the unemployment rate in January fell to the level of 4.3%, against the previous value of 4.4%.
  • The average weekly income, total payments at an annualized rate of 2.8%, exceeding the forecast of analysts at 2.5%.
  • In turn, the change in the number of applications for unemployment benefits in February was 9.2 thousand, compared with a decrease in January at -1.5 thousand, which is holding back the more rapid growth of the British currency.

Also, do not forget that today all the attention of market participants will be riveted to the results of the Fed meeting, which also limits the growth of the British currency against the US dollar.

Technical analysis: The GBP/USD pair maintains an uptrend in the short term. In the case of fixing the pair above the mark of 1.4065,one should expect its further growth to the levels of 1.4110, 1.4140. The main support levels are 1.4015, 1.3980.

Fig. GBP/USD. The current price is $ 1.4068.

Alexander Sivtsov

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