FOCUS OF THE WEEK! - Ester Holdings


Dear traders,

This week investors will remain tense amid instability in geopolitics and uncertainty in trade negotiations – market players will follow the development of the situation in Syria and assess the potential effect of a smoldering trade conflict between the US and China.

Another key factor in the sentiment of market players this week will be news from Washington amid reports that President Donald Trump is going to dismiss US Attorney General Rod Rosenshtein. Analysts say Trump has a desire to replace Rosenstein with someone else who can limit the scope of the investigation conducted by special adviser Robert Mueller. Trump wants this investigation to be limited only by possible links between the president’s team and Russia.

This week will be the first week of a significant number of financial reports of US companies for the first quarter. Among the most important companies that will present their quarterly reports on Wall Street, one can call Goldman Sachs, IBM and Johnson and Johnson.

Some economic reports from the US will also be released this week, the most important of which will be a report on retail sales.

In China, an important report on the country’s economic growth for the first quarter will be published.

In Europe, traders will be interested in reports on inflation in the UK, which will assess the likelihood of an increase in the interest rate by the Bank of England this year. (

We would like to remind you that you can always get acquainted with the upcoming news in the Economic Calendar, and in the Analytics section there are technical analysisexperts’ opinions and news feed!

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