Analysis of the American trading session - Ester Holdings

Analysis of the American trading session

During the American session on Tuesday, November 28, 2017, the US dollar strengthened against most of the major market currencies. The main support for the US dollar was provided by the comments made by Jerome Powell, whom Trump nominated for the head of the Fed. Powell stated that he would follow in his decisions the predecessors, while not forgetting political risks. Also, Powell noted that there is a possibility of raising the interest rate during the near meetings.

The British pound significantly strengthened its position against the US dollar during the American session, which was caused by the positive news on Brexit. The EU and the UK reached a financial agreement. Question about the final amount of payments is still open, but according to information by The Telegraph, the amount of payment will be from 45 billion to 55 billion pounds. Earlier, the EU requested an amount of 60 billion pounds, but Britain agreed only to 20 billion pounds.

Alexander Sivtsov

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