Shares of The Walt Disney Company receive support! - Ester Holdings

Shares of The Walt Disney Company receive support!

Dear Clients!

As part of the investment idea “The Walt Disney Company Shares keeps an upward trend!” (See pdf) we delighted to inform!

The publication of the first quarterly report on the profitability of The Walt Disney Company in 2018 surpassed market expectations, thereby confirming optimistic forecasts for the strengthening of the shares of The Walt Disney. The income per share was $ 1.89 against the forecast of $ 1.61. And quarterly revenue was $ 15.351 billion.

Restrictive growth factor in the recovery of shares is the general negative sentiment of the market, which smoothly fades. It also confirms the recovery of the US stock indices and, in particular, the DOW 30 index.

The reduction in the value of the shares of The Walt Disney Company at the beginning of the month provides an excellent opportunity to enter the transaction at a more favorable price within the framework of the investment idea. “The Walt Disney Company shares keep an upward trend!

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