Let's keep the finger on the news pulse and do not forget to place ordesrs for trade in time! - Ester Holdings

Let’s keep the finger on the news pulse and do not forget to place ordesrs for trade in time!

Are you ready for an active trading week? The upcoming week is exactly such – 13 trading sessions in three days … We want to believe that at least half of them will be productive!

☑️ We start on Wednesday – and right into the battle stright from 3-30 Moscow time! Inflation in Australia and the European Union, employment in the non-agricultural sector and crude oil inventories in the United States, Canadian GDP is a good start for such an active week!

We expect with significant deviations of market fluctuations under 300 pips few times this day.

☑️ On Thursday, the most promising trading sessions may be trading on the interest rate decision in the UK and gas trading in the United States. But you should not discard the possibility of shaking the market on the data on the index of business activity in the UK and the USA!

☑️ Friday will start again in the morning trading in Australia (this time according to retail data), and will continue with the British index of business activity and various aspects of employment in the United States and Canada! Very good chances to see fluctuations up to 300 pips several times.

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