Core Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index in the US! - Ester Holdings

Core Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index in the US!

Dear traders,

At 15:30 Kiev time, the US Commerce Department will publish data on personal income and consumer spending for July, as well as the core price index of personal consumption expenditure in the US, the base measure for determining the Fed’s inflation.

  • According to the consensus forecast, it is expected that core price index of spending in the US for the past month will grow by 0.2% after an increase of 0.1% in June.
  • On an annual basis, core price index for personal consumption expenditure should increase by 2.0% against growth of 1.9% in June.

The Fed uses core PCE as a tool to help determine whether to raise or lower interest rates, with the aim of keeping inflation at a rate of 2% or below. (

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