Analysis of the past day - Ester Holdings

Analysis of the past day

On Friday, March 23, the US dollar resumed a decline across the entire spectrum of the market on the general flight of investors from risks due to the aggravation of trade relations between the US and China. So, China’s response to the introduction of the US duties was regarded by the market as the beginning of a full-scale trade war.

Stock indices against the background of the general flight of investors from risks also appeared under pressure (Nikkei 225 -4,50, DAX -2,10, FTSE 100 -0,60, Dow 30 -0,40). At the same time, oil prices on the contrary received support from the decline in the US currency and optimistic comments from the representative of OPEC.

The US dollar index is likely to remain under the pressure of the trade war and the frustrating Fed protocol that came out in the week. The further decline of the American is limited by its oversold at weekly lows.

The graph of the index is the US dollar. The current price is 89.50.

Нanzenko Anton

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