Analysis of the American Trading Session - Ester Holdings

Analysis of the American Trading Session

Trades on the American session on Friday were closed by a restrained correction of the American after updating the annual maximum at around 93.80. The growth of the American against the basket of competitors was caused by the persistence of optimism about the US dollar and the persistence of political risks in Italy, which continued to put pressure on the euro.

In this case, the correlation of the profitability of the US state bonds and the US dollar index became negative, weakening the support of the dollar from the growth of the yield of US treasury securities.

Fig. The US dollar index. The current price is 93.60 (the yield of 10-year government bonds is a blue line)

Also, read: “Government Bonds as a Market Driver” and “How long will the American rally continue to grow on the growth of yield of the US state bonds?”

Andre Green

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