Analysis of the American Trading Session - Ester Holdings

Analysis of the American Trading Session

During the American session on Friday, April 20, 2018, the US dollar strengthened its positions against most of the major market currencies. The main support for the US currency was provided by the growth in the yield of the US government bonds, as well as the decline in major stock indices (Dow -0.82%, S & P 500 -0.85%, Nasdaq -1.27%.)

The British pound has considerably fallen in price against the US dollar against the background of the general strengthening of the US currency, as well as the doubts about the possible increase in the interest rate of the Bank of England.

The Canadian dollar has considerably fallen in price against the US dollar, which was caused by the publication of weak statistical data on Canada, as well as a decrease in oil prices. For more information, see “The Canadian is losing ground.” Data on inflation and retail sales in Canada.

Alexander Sivtsov

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