Analysis of trading on Erste News - Ester Holdings

Analysis of trading on Erste News

During the week from July 15 to July 19, trading on Erste News was on the publication of :

July 16an employment data in the UK. Despite the upward dynamic and the deal for buy, the growth of the pound was limited by the growth of risks around the tough Brexit. As a result, the strengthening of the pound on employment data was limited.

The potential for growth for this pair on the news was up to 80 points.

Fig. 1.  GBP/USD chart

On July 19, trading on Erste News took place on the publication of the retail sales data in Canada, which did not meet market expectations, and caused sales of the Canadian dollar across  the market.

The potential for growth for this pair on the news was up to 500 points.

Fig. 2. USD/CAD chart

Hanzenko Anton

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