U.S. job's report - Ester Holdings

U.S. job’s report

  • Average hourly earning (m / m) (November), fact 0.2%, forecast 0.3%.
  • Nonfarm payrolls (November), fact 155K, forecast 200K.
  • Private nonfarm payrolls (November), fact 161K, forecast 200K.
  • Unemployment rate (November), fact 3.7%, forecast 3.7%

The US employment report was weaker than expected, due to a less significant increase in the number of people employed in the nonfarm sector. Thus, the number of people employed in the nonfarm sector grew by only 155 thousand jobs, which significantly slowed down the growth of employment in the United States.

Fig. 1. Nonfarm payrolls chart


Weak US employment data put significant pressure on the US dollar index, which updated Thursday’s low at 96.50. But a very rapid correction followed, which is due to the low unemployment rate and the continued high likelihood of an increase in the US Federal Reserve rates in December. At the same time, the update of the low did not affect the preservation of the restrained upward dynamics of the American dollar. A slowdown in the growth of the US dollar and the formation of a restrainingly downward trend to support levels are possible: 96.60 and 96.50.

Fig. 2. The US dollar index chart. The current price is 96.80 (10-year government bonds yield is the blue line)

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Hanzenko Anton

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