Report on the volume of retail sales in the United States in an hour! - Ester Holdings

Report on the volume of retail sales in the United States in an hour!

Dear traders,

At 14:30 in Kiev, the US Department of Commerce will publish a report on retail sales for February.

According to the consensus forecast, it is expected that the volume of retail sales in the US over the past month will grow by 0.3% after a decrease of 0.3% in January.

It is assumed that the base index of retail sales in the US will increase by 0.3% after last month this index didn’t change.

The increase in retail sales indicates economic growth, and a decline – an economic recession. Consumer spendings account for 70% of US economic growth.

The probability of an interest rate increase of 25 basis points as a result of the meeting on March 20-21 is estimated at 90% according to the forecast on the rate of the Federal Reserve from

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