Inflation data in the UK! In an hour! - Ester Holdings

Inflation data in the UK! In an hour!

Dear traders,

The Office fir National Statistics of Great Britain (ONS) at 11:30 (Kyiv) will publish data on inflation in January.

Analysts predict that, on an annualizezd basis, the UK inflation in December will slightly slow to 2.9%, remaining close to the maximum in six years at 3.0%. Judging by the forecasts, the basic inflation will increase slightly from 2.5% to 2.6%.

In addition, in the UK, traders will also be focused on the report on retail sales (on Friday) to receive new signals about Brexit’s impact on the economy.

Last week, the Bank of England kept the interest rate unchanged, but signaled that it could raise the rate despite the made forecasts earlier than a couple of months ago in order to curb inflation.

Market participants will also follow any news about the progress of the negotiations regarding the forthcoming UK withdrawal from the EU.

Although the growth rate of the British economy lags behind the global ones, but they turned out to be better than the gloomy forecasts that were made after the decision in 2016 on Brexit.

Well, we wish you good profits and do not forget to read reviews on our website!

We recommend to have a closer look at: “Passion for the British .What to expect from GBP/USD this week?

Have a nice day!

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