Speeches by the key persons of the Fed! - Ester Holdings

Speeches by the key persons of the Fed!

Dear traders,

This week, the attention of the markets will be attracted by several speeches by Federal officials. Traders want information on the rate of further interest rate increase of the US central bank this year.

The most important will be the speech of the future head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, John Williams, who will speak on Tuesday in Minneapolis at the official dinner of the Economic Club of Minnesota.

Next week, also scheduled for the speech of the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Loretta Mester, the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis James Ballard, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Rafael Bostic, the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Neil Kashkari, FBI President Dallas Robert Kaplan and Fed Chairman Lael Brainard.

In addition, on Tuesday the US Congress will listen to the candidate for the post of vice-president of the Federal Reserve, Richard Claridha and Michelle Bowman, who claims to be the governor of the Fed.

As a result of its meeting this month, the Fed predictably kept the interest rate unchanged. At the same time, the statement of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) noted an acceleration of inflation, which coincides with the rate of increase in the cost of loan funds in June.

At the moment, the US central bank plans two more interest rate increases in 2018. However, in recent weeks, market analysts’ forecasts for three such increases have strengthened against the backdrop of the prospects for accelerating inflation. (Investing.com)

Speeches of key people often cause increased market volatility!
Sta up-to-date! Have a nice day, Gentlemen!

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