State of the Market: the market is afraid of a trade war - Ester Holdings

State of the Market: the market is afraid of a trade war

Since the beginning of the day, negative sentiments have remained on the market caused by the fear of the beginning of the trade war. So, the White House announced tariffs for China for $ 50 billion, which did not force China to wait and answer by the increase in tariffs for the import of 128 goods from the United States. As a result, these actions were regarded by the market as the first “shots” in the trade war. Since the beginning of the day, under considerable pressure, the US currency and the Asia-Pacific stock indices, which on average lost 1.5% from the beginning of the day. (Nikkei 225 -4.66%; S & P/ASX200 -1.96%; SZSE Component -4.22%)

On the general flight from risks, the Japanese yen and other safe haven assets received notable support. At the same time, commodity assets are still at the level of the opening of the day, but are limited in growth due to the growing negative in the market.

The dollar index, despite the rapid decline, is limited by yesterday’s low, but retains the potential to decline.

Graph of the US dollar index. The current price is 89.50.

Hanzenko Anton

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