State of the market: the American continues to grow - Ester Holdings

State of the market: the American continues to grow

Despite the very restrained opening of the US stock markets, the US currency continues to trade with strengthening, which is due to relatively low market activity due to the day off in the euro area and the preservation of optimism for the American.

So, the US dollar index managed to overcome a significant level of resistance at 92.00, thereby indicating the resumption of the general upward trend and the increase in trading volumes ahead of the upcoming news that will come out during the week. Also today, there are data on business activity in the US, which can have an impact on the American. Now the main resistance on the dollar has shifted to the levels: 92.60 and 92.80.

Graph of the US dollar index. The current price is 92.30 (the blue line is the yield of 10-year US government bonds)

Hanzenko Anton

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